Zero Excuses, Just Commitment

Date Posted: March 30, 2023

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Last year I publicly declared to the world that I would be on that stage next year in Cabo to speak to around 1,000 people.

When I made this declaration I didn't even know it was an option. No one asked me if I would. No one said it was possible.

The good news is... I don't live life on other people's terms. I live life on my terms.

My choices

I knew what I wanted and figured out a way to make it happen.

In this post last year I talked about goals vs commitments.

Too many people make goals that sound good but aren't willing to do the work to make them a reality.

Goals are great but...

Goals without commitment are just a good idea... just a wasted thought... so next time you set a goal follow these steps.

Write it down

Declare it publicly

Break it down into bite-sized chunks

Write out commitments and actions you need to take to accomplish each of those chunks

Have an unwavering commitment to those actions. ZERO OPTIONS...ZERO EXCUSES...JUST DO IT

There are so many people in my life to thank for these amazing blessings in my life to do what I truly feel like I was put here to do. Give back and help others. Being on stages like this allows me to do just that.

My amazing wife, Amanda, is always there to support my crazy ideas and have my back 100%. My amazing team for believing in our vision as a company and truly Changing Lives every single day! Plus so many amazing mentors, coaches, and business partners. None of this would be possible without any of them.

The crazy thing is I feel like I am just getting started.

If I can do these things, you can too!




Go live your life on your terms!

Give today your ALL 👊



Matt Smith went from working out of his basement to #8 in the nation in just 4 short years!

He is the owner of Matt Smith Real Estate Group in small town Missouri. His team is currently made up of 39 people and 23 of those are agents.