Your sales are down...

Date Posted: August 31, 2023

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Your team leader or branch manager tells you exactly what you need to do….

I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you affiliated with that team leader because of trust, respect, competency and track record.

But you don’t do what your TRUSTED, RESPECTED, COMPETENT and PROVEN Team Leader tells you and trains you on repeatedly.

Yes I Do! The leads suck. The market sucks. My leader sucks too. Interest rates suck.

Let me ask you some questions to consider.

You work day after day after day at the level of activity and actions required? Not a few days or a week, I’m talking ongoing.

So much for so long that it’s almost like you are going to prove your leader wrong?

You know this market is going to require at least double the activity the old market required to get a sale and you are acting on that every day?

You don’t leave out a single step of the proven sales process you’ve been trained on?

You don’t tweak what to say or what to do just a little bit because it’s not comfortable to do it the way you are taught and you have a way that feels a little more cool and jusssst feels more comfortable?

You reach out to a lead day ONE at least 3 times and do it again day TWO if you didn’t connect? EVERY TIME?

You’re instructed that video text is highly impactful and you use that simple strategy repeatedly?

You come to every sales meeting because you know that picking up just one thing at that meeting can change everything?

You welcome constant inspection of your database?
You attend every training opportunity?

You repeatedly go back and revisit all the basic trainings you initially attended for the purpose of mastery?

You are willing to have your calls listened to and critiqued?
You follow a productive unwavering schedule of uncomfortable revenue producing activities every day?

When you are not getting the results you desire you immediately go to leadership before they come to you and ask them to inspect and give you feedback so you can get better?

You ask for accountability from your leader so you hit your daily activities?

You are humble and open minded?

Homes are selling every day. Lots of em still.

And lots of people are struggling and that’s a choice.

A choice to apply yourself to the above listed, RELENTLESSLY or…

Sort of do it and sort of get a result that for sure doesn’t satisfy you.

Commitment to a proven process over a sustained period of time is all it takes to smash it right now.

I’m watching sales records be broken!

By those who uphold a personal standard for what’s required of them by their team leader who is simply driving activity so the leader holds up their end of the bargain…

Doing everything possible to help you succeed.

Are you doing everything to help yourself?

If not, recommit.

Productivity is a choice. So is lack of productivity.

Absolute truth this marketplace needs right now from my coach, mentor and friend Jon Cheplak 🔥🙌



Matt Smith went from working out of his basement to #8 in the nation in just 4 short years!

He is the owner of Matt Smith Real Estate Group in small town Missouri. His team is currently made up of 39 people and 23 of those are agents.