Why 60,000 Agents Failed and Left the Industry in 2023

Date Posted: July 26, 2023

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Why 60,000 Agents Failed and Left the Real Estate Industry in 2023

One agent is QUITTING every 4 minutes 🤯
This year alone, 60,000 real estate agents have thrown in the towel and left the industry

The pandemic market has thrown us off balance.

We have become so reactive to this challenging market that we have forgotten the most important part of our role...

Arming ourselves with the right skill set and educating our clients.

Some have left their clients drowning in confusion, not knowing whether to buy or sell.

It's up to YOU to guide, lead, and to empower them to make the right decision!

YOU are the expert, so BE the expert!

You think this market is tough?

Well, it's tough for those who don't take action, who don't follow a proven sales process.

We know better!

It takes discipline, grit, and consistency to thrive and WIN.

Adapt to what this ever-changing marketplace demands of you.

Those who don't will be left in the dust while the winners celebrate their success!

YOU have the power to change the narrative.

Your Success in this market is determined by 3 simple things.

1. Action you choose or choose not to take

2. Proven Sales Process you choose or choose not to follow

3. Skills you choose or choose not to build

Step up, take charge, and GIVE TODAY YOUR ALL 👊



Matt Smith went from working out of his basement to #8 in the nation in just 4 short years!

He is the owner of Matt Smith Real Estate Group in small town Missouri. His team is currently made up of 39 people and 23 of those are agents.