The Brand You Work With MATTERS!


There's no denying this market is testing so many agents and teams right now.

Who you are in business with, who your surround yourself with, and who you coach with matters now maybe more than ever!
Here is an amazing message I received right after a coaching call from a top producing agent that is in the struggle of just starting to build a team.

You don't have to go at this alone! There are people winning and winning at very high levels right now!

My team is having our best year ever! Everyone that I am coaching is winning in some major way shape or form. So many in our EXP Network are winning at a high level.

Long story short... if you are struggling reach out.

I'm on a mission to positively impact as many lives as I can.

I'm not saying I know everything but I am saying that I have a behind the curtain look at so many that are winning at a high level.

Success Leaves Clues! A fresh set of eyes may be the thing that changes everything

This is by no means a pitch to coach with me or join me in EXP... although that is working for a ton of people right now 🤷‍♂️
This is 100% just a message to say I want to help! Here are a few ways...

1. Reach out with a message and let's connect. I'll help for free

2. Inquire about what a coaching relationship looks like

3. Inquire about what a partnership with financial alignment through EXP looks like

4. If you are too shy to do any of the above. No worries. I believe in contribution. Follow my page, check out my podcast ( All Or Nothing In Real Estate). Subscribe to my YouTube or join my private group (send me message for link)

So many are winning! Why not you? Why not now?

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