What have we accomplished in the last 6 months?

What have we accomplished in the last 6 months?

🔥 We have served 377 families.

🔥 Added 15 new people to our team.

🔥 Became ranked the # 45 team in the United States.

🔥 Made the Inc 5000 list (Again).

🔥 Continue to be #1 in Mid MO & #2 in the whole state.

We were only able to achieve all this because of the hard work, dedication, and passion of our incredible team. None of this would have been possible without each and every one of you. Together, we are on a mission to CHANGE LIVES!

We truly BELIEVE in the bigger picture, the direction we are all collectively going, and exactly what needs to be done to get there.
Each family served, each new team member, and each award reminds us why we do what we do and pushes us to work even harder.

We are driven by a shared vision and BELIEVE we can truly change the lives within our community.

As we continue this mission, we will need more great people like you to join us.

If that is you, reach out and help us CHANGE LIVES. Who knows your life could be the one that changes next.

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