The Extra Hour

matt smith AON

My kids going back to school reminded me of a valuable lesson...

And it may not be what you think...


The school year just started back up and my oldest daughter has to leave the house by 6:45 AM for me or my wife to drive her to school.

(Don't ask me why they force kids to get up that early. Maybe that's a story for another day)

So this forced me to wake up an hour earlier to get all of my commitments done in the morning prior to taking her to school

THE EXTRA HOUR also allowed me to get to work an hour earlier before anyone else arrived.

This EXTRA HOUR allowed me clarity time with no distractions and 100% focus on winning the day

This EXTRA HOUR allowed me to keep my commitments I made to myself

This EXTRA HOUR allowed me to spend quality time with my daughter on our drive to drop her off to school

This EXTRA HOUR gave me... me time to plan out the day, check several things off the list, and build a clear plan and strategy to attack the day and the week vs the day or the week happening to me. All before anyone else was at work.

Anyone else ever feel like that? You spend all day chasing your tail? Putting out fires? Then at the end of the day you worked like a dog but don't really have anything to show for it?

I know I fall in that trap more often than I would like to admit.

If any of this resonates with you I'd encourage you to give THE EXTRA HOUR a try and find that productive momentum you are looking for

After all they aren't giving out trophy's for who is the "busiest".

Productivity is what we are all after and THE EXTRA HOUR helped me find mine and hope it helps you find yours too

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