The 4 Proven and Only Ways People Change

Date Posted: August 15 , 2023

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Change is hard!

Change is hard for everyone

Change is one of the hardest things to do in your own life

Sometimes it's even harder to help others facilitate change get in their lives

On my continued path to becoming a better leader I've studied over and over how to help others facilitate change in their lives and here is what I have discovered...

There are only 4 times people change

People change when...

1. When they hurt enough they have to

Pain is a powerful motivator. When the discomfort becomes unbearable, we seek relief, a way to escape what's hurting us. This threshold pushes us towards change.

2. When they see enough they're inspired to

Inspiration can be a catalyst for change. When we witness something extraordinary or encounter a person who embodies what we aspire to become, we are filled with a desire to change.

3. When they learn enough that they want to

Education can be the light that leads us out of the darkness. Learning new things, understanding ourselves better, and grasping the world in a new way create a desire to grow and change.

4. When they receive enough that they're able to

Sometimes, all we need is a little help, a push in the right direction. When we receive the necessary resources, support, or encouragement, we feel empowered to make a change.

Those are the times when people change

If you want to facilitate change in your life or in the lives of others that is the framework.

Hope this helps!

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Matt Smith went from working out of his basement to #8 in the nation in just 4 short years!

He is the owner of Matt Smith Real Estate Group in small town Missouri. His team is currently made up of 39 people and 23 of those are agents.