Set Proper Expectations


All disagreements are a result of the same thing...

Unmet expectations

Be clear and always set proper expectations

This is true when talking about relationships with your friends and family

This is true when working with buyers and sellers in real estate

This is true when working with agents or a team you are leading

Think about it...

Go back to the last disagreement you had. Really peel back the layers and unpack it.

What you expected and what they expected were not in alignment. That is what caused the disagreement.

My advice... stop being so scared of telling people the truth. Too much sugar coating and telling people what they want to hear always lead to unmet expectations.

We are in the people busines...the relationship business.

What builds better relationships? Walking on egg shells telling people half truths because you don't want to hurt their feelings or...

Stepping up and telling the truth and setting proper expectations no matter the situation. Truth is truth. Of course be aware of how you deliver it but... be a truth teller.

Too many people are unintentionally lying just because they are scared of upsetting someone by telling the truth.

Clarity is kindness

Set proper expectations

Always give a next step

Setting proper expectations upfront with a buyer, seller or agent will save you and them so much headache on the back end.

P.S. Next time you have a disagreement go back to your initial conversation about that topic and ask yourself. Did I address this and set up proper expectations on day 1?

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