I have the secret sauce...

Date Posted: Oct. 20, 2023

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I have the magic bullet to get you through this market

I recently saw a theme going around the internet it says something like...

"Stay Alive Until 2025"

Yep, that's the mindset of our industry right now

That's your competition

While everyone else is in survival mode (I call it realtor hibernation)

While everyone else is running away and hiding

I recommend you run into the struggle

Embrace these challenges and difficult times

Here is what I believe to be the secret sauce... the magic bullet to get you through this market

It only requires 15 hours per week

Yep, just 15 hours per week

And it's not hard at all... as a matter of fact ANYONE can do it...

Unfortunately very few will

Here it is...

Do these 5 things daily 5 days a week and not only will you survive.. you will THRIVE!

1. 15 minutes to educate yourself on the market

2. 15 minute huddle with your team or coach

3. 30 minutes roleplay

4. 1 hour prospecting

5. 1 hour follow up

Here's what I find crazy... most agents won't do this... they will say things like it doesn't take all that...that's too hard... I'm too busy...

Then they will get out of the business and have to clock in at a real job where they have to ask permission to take a bathroom break and work 40 hours a week on a time clock. And... they will make 25% of the money they could in real estate by just following the 15 hour per week plan

Btw... there is nothing wrong with a normal job but real estate is a path to freedom if we just practice discipline for those that choose to treat it like the career that it is
Agents I urge you to be honest with yourself... are times really that hard?

Or... have we just not made the adjustments necessary because it was so good for so long?

For those of you that don't believe my 15 hour work week will work... awesome!!!

Prove me wrong! Seriously, prove me wrong!

But prove me wrong by doing the work for the next 90 days

Here's what I know... if you do that work for the next 90 days with intention with the right plan you will be thriving no matter the market conditions

So the choice is yours...

What will you choose?



Matt Smith went from working out of his basement to #8 in the nation in just 4 short years!

He is the owner of Matt Smith Real Estate Group in small town Missouri. His team is currently made up of 39 people and 23 of those are agents.