The most important investment you can make in your business is…

Date Posted: Sept. 25, 2023

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What if I told you the most important investment you can make isn’t in skills, communication or knowledge…


Throughout the years I've learned every business relationship falls into one of three categories...

👉Transactional Relationships

👉 Relational Relationships

👉Transformational Relationships

Each relationship serves its purpose, but only ONE has the power to move the needle and change the trajectory of not only your business but your life.

1️⃣ Transactional Relationships

Transactional Relationships are in your life for one thing... money.
These relationships can have their place, and in the right setting serve their purpose... but they're empty and dead-ended relationships.

If ANY of your client relationships fall into this category... I'm going to be brutally honest... You're failing as a Real Estate Agent...

Don't worry though I'm going to break down how to change this in a second

2️⃣ Relational Relationships

When you begin moving past just the surface level, you begin developing a relational relationship.

In this relationship, you're digging a little deeper - you've got each other's backs, and when tough times hit you'll find some sustainability

Here's the thing... Most people stop here.

You've checked off the box, your client is satisfied and you think things are good...

Let me challenge you

- Shouldn't your client, at a minimum be satisfied?

- Is our job really just going through the motions?

If you're looking to truly move the needle in your business you need...

3️⃣ Transformational Relationships

These are the relationships where you're lucky enough to help someone achieve something they couldn't have done without you.

Mutually beneficial…


Impactful and genuine relationships...

Here's my promise...

If you focus every single day on cultivating Transformational Relationships, the trajectory of your business and life will completely change.

When you lean into transformational relationships, you're not just bettering your life, you're elevating everyone around you.

This is what gets me out of bed each day. And let me tell you, there's no better feeling than that.

I'm looking to build more transformational relationships...

If you're looking to transform your life from the inside out and change the trajectory of your business, let's talk.

I'm offering a free 10 minute discovery call where we will go over your situation and I'll give you one piece of tactical information.

No sale. No gimmicks. Just value.

Send me a DM to schedule your 10 minute discovery call!



Matt Smith went from working out of his basement to #8 in the nation in just 4 short years!

He is the owner of Matt Smith Real Estate Group in small town Missouri. His team is currently made up of 39 people and 23 of those are agents.