Make a decision


Overthinking is the biggest waste of human energy

Trust yourself

Make a decision

Gain more experience from that decision

There is no such thing as perfect

You can NOT think your way into perfection

Just take ACTION

A story I often coach people through is the story of the squirrel

For reference, in Missouri squirrels are very common. If you don't know what a squirrel is my German friend describes them as "tree rats" 😂
Anyways... in addition to squirrels living, climbing, and jumping tree to tree we also commonly see them as roadkill... dead in the middle of the road 🤷‍♂️

So, how does the squirrel go from this luxurious life living high up in the trees to dead in the middle of the road?

A squirrel decides to cross the road and sees or hears a vehicle coming and panics...

Cant decide, should I go right...

Should I go left...

Panics and freezes...

And then..... SPLAT

Now they are roadkill

Moral of the story... DON'T BE A SQUIRREL

Make a decision!

If you cross the road and don't like what's on that side

Cross back to the other side

Just don't get stuck in the middle overthinking which way should I go

Most of the time we don't have an issue... we just have a decision.... Make it

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