The Key to Being Persuasive in Today's Marketplace

Date Posted: July 7, 2023

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It's essential to have unwavering conviction in our voice, our role plays, our scripts, our dialogues

And most importantly, our value to the consumer.

Only then can we truly be convincing and help them make the right decisions for themselves.

"If you're not convinced, you will never be convincing."

I recently had a conversation with our team, and it revealed an interesting insight.

We noticed a significant gap between the number of appointments we met and the number of signed agreements.

This gap presented us with an opportunity for growth.

It wasn't about judging anyone or pointing fingers; it was about recognizing a challenge and embracing it head-on.

You see, gaps are where the real growth happens.

Take our appointments met, for example. We had a substantial dip in the number of face-to-face meetings that resulted in signed agreements. So, I decided to share a story about the four-minute mile.

The four-minute mile was deemed impossible. Athletes would come close but always fell short because their minds told them it couldn't be done. Until one day, someone broke that barrier, and everything changed.

Once that four-minute mile was achieved, it became the new normal. Other athletes started to believe in themselves and broke the record again and again.

Take this lesson to heart and apply it to your own accomplishments.


You've proven to yourself that you can achieve great feats

Keep pushing yourself consistently, striving to improve each day.

But just like the four-minute mile...

If you're not convinced deep down that you can accomplish YOUR commitment, you'll never be able to convince others of their attainability.

Give today your all 👊



Matt Smith went from working out of his basement to #8 in the nation in just 4 short years!

He is the owner of Matt Smith Real Estate Group in small town Missouri. His team is currently made up of 39 people and 23 of those are agents.