Infecting or Affecting


In most environments you are responsible for one or the other. One of the two is happening in your environment.

Let's break each of these down...

Infecting - affect with a disease causing organism. Contaminate with harmful organisms.

Affecting - to have an effect on. Make a difference to. Touch the feelings of (someone); move emotionally

There is a drastic difference when reading the definitions, right?

Here is what's crazy... I believe that one of the two is happening in your environment. It's impossible to not be doing one or the other each and every day. There is no neutral. Your presence is either infecting or affecting your culture and your environment.

You are responsible for one of the two. Which one will you choose today? Tomorrow?

In addition to what you are responsible for... The people you choose to surround yourself with... the people that are which one do they provide to you? Are they infecting or affecting your environment, beliefs and mindset?

We've all heard that you become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Spend your time wisely. Spend your time with people who are affecting you vs infecting you and your environment.

And of course be sure that you are Affecting those around you.

Again, there is no neutral. It is getting better or worse.

Choose your environment wisely.

P.S. I'm not saying go find a unicorn and rainbows everything's always wonderful environment. I'm saying you should be and you should surround yourself with people who are REAL, AUTHENTIC, GENUINE, CONTRIBUTING, LIKE MINDED, CHASING THE BEST VERSION OF SELF!

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