How to Speak with Conviction and Influence as a Real Estate Agent

Date Posted: July 12, 2023

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One thing I've learned over the years - the consumer is confused...

Put yourself in their shoes, they are overwhelmed with opposing interrupting content every moment of every day.

So how can you interject the value and knowledge you bring in a way that leaves a lasting and powerful impression...

✅ Influence

✅ Conviction

✅ Certainty

As Real Estate Agents, it's our job to influence our clients...

We influence them to make the decision that is best and right for them based on your unwavering conviction to do the right thing.

Conviction and Certainty are a deadly combo that has the power to change everything...

When two people meet the undeniable truth is that the person with the most conviction and certainty will leave the conversation with the most influence.

Lead your buyers and sellers through the process with the TRUTH of what our marketplace is doing and seeing - even if it's not always good news.

I consider it malpractice for a Real Estate Agent to assist someone with buying or selling WITHOUT a deep conviction and belief in the information and service they are providing.

You are a Real Estate Professional and it's your responsibility to deliver the absolute best to your clients.

Ready to take it to the next step and learn the success strategies from Matt Smith and Top Performing Agent Shawn McArthur?

Watch our webinar on YOUR time to learn the Success Strategies which secured 30 closings for a brand new agent in 6 months.

Click the linl belowlinkto watch now!

Give today your all 👊



Matt Smith went from working out of his basement to #8 in the nation in just 4 short years!

He is the owner of Matt Smith Real Estate Group in small town Missouri. His team is currently made up of 39 people and 23 of those are agents.