How to Create Stress Free Wealth as a Real Estate Agent

Date Posted: Apr. 12, 2024

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How do you create stress free wealth as a real estate agent even if your income is inconsistent and you’re financially disorganized…

Every Real Estate Agent has been there, you get your first commission check and in the blink of an eye it’s gone…


If you’re disciplined enough to build tremendous success - you may have more money than you know what to do with.

We all know that Real Estate has the power to fuel your dreams, but are your finances supporting LONGEVITY and LEGACY?

If you can’t confidently answer these questions, you’re in need of a financial transformation.

In today’s episode of All or Nothing in Real Estate Podcast we welcome Matt Plumer, an expert on financial transformation.

You’ll learn…

✅ What do most agents struggle with financially and the steps to correct

✅ How to facilitate a financial transformation

✅ How to build an entire lifestyle to support the legacy you want to leave behind

This is an episode you’ll want to save and revisit time and time again.



Matt Smith went from working out of his basement to #8 in the nation in just 4 short years!

He is the owner of Matt Smith Real Estate Group in small town Missouri. His team is currently made up of 39 people and 23 of those are agents.