How to Build a Resilient Team - the Power of a Positive Culture

Date Posted: Mar. 1 , 2024

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Culture is a buzzword in today's society.

It’s overused and because of that, the value of the word has slowly cheapened.

The truth is every workplace and organization has a culture. And the state of your culture is critical.

Culture is a living breathing thing - it’s either growing or dying each day.
I’ve said time and time again - If the culture at Matt Smith Real Estate Group stops growing and no longer becomes a focus… I’ll lock the doors and burn the f*cking building down.

Why do I care that much about it? Because I’ve experienced the toxic, negative, unproductive environment… and in that environment people were left feeling unappreciated, undervalued and forgotten. Leadership sat in their ivory towers, relationships were stagnant and gossip created silos.
I wanted something different - not only for myself, but for my community. My dream began with people… it includes changing the lives of the buyers and sellers who trust us each and every day and…

It also includes changing the lives of the agents, staff and their families who partner alongside me.

This thing outgrew me a long time ago… and what I love about our culture is it’s a group effort which we are all committed to growing, contributing and depositing to.

My question to you is do you, your team, your leadership… Do you focus on culture? Do you nurture your culture? Do you build your culture up? Do you strive to make your culture better each and every day?

Is your culture growing… or is it dying? To be neutral is negative. So… is culture getting better or worse today? What about tomorrow?

In this episode of All or Nothing in Real Estate Podcast we are pulling back the curtain and sharing how the #1 team in Mid-Missouri grows, nurtures and focuses on their team culture.

I’m joined with Lauren Pimentel and Jenna Swift, both who serve on Leadership at Matt Smith Real Estate Group.

Together we are breaking down how our team nurtures and grows our culture. You’ll learn both the extravagant and subtle ways we show our team appreciation.

Basically - we’re giving you the blueprint of how our team and leaders demonstrate, contribute and make our company culture a focus each and every day.



Matt Smith went from working out of his basement to #8 in the nation in just 4 short years!

He is the owner of Matt Smith Real Estate Group in small town Missouri. His team is currently made up of 39 people and 23 of those are agents.