From Limitations

to Greatness: The Power of Making a Choice

Date Posted: Jun 8, 2023

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If you believe your limitations in life then you will always live a limited life...

As I am sitting at the airport boarding my flight to beautiful Calgary, Alberta Canada for yet another amazing opportunity to be in the right rooms...

I'm reflecting on how am I here?

What decisions and choices in my life have led me to continue to be in the right rooms?

Not only be in the right rooms but given an opportunity to share the stage with some of North America's greatest leaders in the real estate industry

The answer is simple...

I made a choice.

A choice to remove ALL limitations in my life.

Living a life not just saying that anything is possible but living it every single day.

More importantly not living that life and making those choices for me but doing it for others.

Showing others what is possible.

Showing others that they don't have to believe the limitations others or society place on them.

I have realized that the more you give in life the more you receive.

Givers Gain!

Find your purpose and passion in life

Get crystal clear on your mission

And simply make a CHOICE

That one simple choice has taken me from a little kid whose first job was working at a sawmill stacking slabs for $20 per day.

With a graduating class of 35 kids in high school.

Scared to death of public speaking.

To now have the honor of sharing some of the biggest stages in the real estate industry!

It all started and continued with a CHOICE.

Not for me but to support my crystal clear mission of giving back to others and Changing Lives!

Imagine what your life look would like if you made that CHOICE...

Give Today Your ALL 👊



Matt Smith went from working out of his basement to #8 in the nation in just 4 short years!

He is the owner of Matt Smith Real Estate Group in small town Missouri. His team is currently made up of 39 people and 23 of those are agents.