Don't Count Other People's Money


Rule number 1 if you want to be successful...

"Don't count other people's money"

First, you really have no clue how much money they actually have

Second, you have absolutely no clue what they have had to overcome to get where they are... seriously NO CLUE!
Now let's change the word money to success...

Have you or have you ever seen someone you know look at someone else's success and say things like...

Must be nice

It's just easier for them

Oh, here's a good one that I've actually gotten from my own family "He's just making too much money"

Let's really think about this...

Where do these reactions come from? For those that react that way, what are their chances of becoming successful or accomplishing what that person has for themselves?

To me, it's simple... that reaction comes from jealousy and they have ZERO chance of accomplishing it because of one very simple thing.

They lack the ability to ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY for themselves, their actions, their habits, their beliefs, their work.

Instead of saying must be nice what if you said "Wow, good for them. I wonder what they did to get there?"

So many people point the finger and say life's not fair. I'm not where I want to be in life because of this or that. But, the reality is life isn't fair. Yup, it's not fair! Get over it 🤷‍♂️

It's just not and never will be. If you just accept that and work internally on yourself, your action, your habits, your beliefs, your work then nothing can stop you.

You see it's not about them... ITS ABOUT YOU

The sooner you accept that the sooner you are closer to whatever it is you want to accomplish in life.
Stop counting other people's money

You are way closer to the life you truly want and desire but in order to accomplish it you have to be obsessed internally not externally

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