Does a tough market wear agents down?

Date Posted: Oct. 4, 2023

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This may seem like a rhetorical question...

Let’s face it: It takes a toll on almost everyone…..but not all. I see a select few agents, loan officers and team leaders who are energized. They are excited, upbeat, and optimistic. It is as if they are living in a different reality.

Why is this? Here are the common traits, thoughts, and actions I see or hear as I observe them.

They see and relate to challenges as opportunities.

They move through fear at an uncommonly fast pace.

They move into and stay in action at a fast pace.

Their mindset is STRONG.

They understand that what they focus on expands.

They don’t spend time thinking about what they like or don’t like.

They focus on their goals, not obstacles.

They control the controllables

They spend time thinking about what else they can do or what activities do they need to increase to achieve their goals.

They are more careful about who they spend time with.

They spend time with things and people who align with their goals and vision and sometimes more importantly stay away from those who don't

They have more bandwidth to be creative because they aren’t using their brain power on all that is hard or wrong.

They focus on helping others.

They don’t judge circumstances as good or bad. They know it is what it is, like the weather today.

And….. here is what they don’t do or say.

They don’t become a victim.

They don’t succumb to the collective thought.

They don’t spend much time doubting themselves or questioning their circumstances.

They don’t have much negative self-talk.

They don’t waste time looking for shortcuts or magic bullets.

They don’t get paralyzed by fears or concerns.

They don’t complain.

They don’t get stressed out.

Here’s the question that matters….which group do you identify with more?

And if it's not the one you want to be... no worries... now you are aware of it and have the power to change it.

Give Today Your All 👊



Matt Smith went from working out of his basement to #8 in the nation in just 4 short years!

He is the owner of Matt Smith Real Estate Group in small town Missouri. His team is currently made up of 39 people and 23 of those are agents.