Set Proper Expectations


Today’s episode of All or Nothing in Real Estate Podcast is a special one.

Roughly 2 years ago I did a podcast episode on How to Create a Culture of Accountability.

I believe accountability is the highest form of love and with the market getting tougher and tougher out there for agents, accountability is crucial for team success.

Listening back - it’s so relevant in today’s market, that we decided to remaster it to help teams and agents who are struggling today. It is so relevant that we spent several hours at our recent State of The Company Meeting with our team just on this topic.

In this episode we let you in behind the scenes on…

✅ How to implement POSITIVE accountability that produces results

✅ The VICTIM vs. VICTOR mindset
✅ 7 steps of Accountability
✅ How to creating a culture which thrives on Accountability
✅ The tools industry leaders are utilizing to hold themselves and others accountable.

Tune in now.

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