Chasing Happiness



We are all chasing it but...

Who actually catches it?

Here's my belief... so many of us are aiming at the wrong target and then we wonder why we never hit it

Let me say that again...

So many of us are aiming at the wrong target and then we wonder why we never hit it 🤷‍♂️

In this case happiness is the "target"

Of course we all want more happiness, right?

So that's what we chase

But... how many of us truly catch it and if we do catch it do we sustain it?

In reality, I think what we catch is moments of happiness or moments of excitement that come and go
Happiness is a feeling based on circumstances

So, is happiness really what we are after or are we really after....


Joy is an attitude that defies circumstances. Joy is a long lasting state of being

You see happiness comes and goes and is defined by outside circumstances. Meaning, things outside of your control, outside factors, affect your happiness. Happiness is often triggered by a specific event or moment that causes excitement. Once that moment is gone so is happiness.

Joy on the other hand is long lasting. Joy is an attitude, a mindset, that doesn't rely on outside circumstances. Joy is an inside job. Joy isn't determined by the things around you joy is determined by the attitude and mindset inside of you.

Here's another perspective...

To those of you chasing happiness or joy... I applaud you 👏

Keep chasing it! Live the life of your dreams!

But, if even just for today, I'd ask you to step back and ask yourself...

Am I aiming at the right target?

You see, here is something I've discovered internally and with those I have the privelage of working alongside inside of my team and in my coaching business...


Not the other way around. Productivity comes first!

If you chase happiness and are never productive you will very rarely, if ever, catch happiness. Not to mention catching Joy...

My recommendation to you is simple

BE PRODUCTIVE! Do it consistently.

Think about it... when's the last time you made a commitment to yourself and stuck to it, especially when you didn't feel like it? How did you feel afterwards?

You felt like you could run through a brick wall. You were filled with excitement, pride, fulfillment and so many other things (maybe even happiness 😊) all because you were productive.

So instead of chasing your tail trying to catch happiness I suggest you chase productivity

Chase it consistently

And not only will you find happiness but you will stumble across a state of JOY

Give Today Your All 👊

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