Being Intentional with Your Conversations


Her eyes lit up so big, she smiled from ear to ear and she looked over at me and said "Daddy you can help him with that, he needs to talk to you."

That's what my 7 year old said to me the other day while we were at a magic show.

It was a great reminder to me to always be intentional in your conversations with your kids. Do they know what you do? More importantly do they know why you do it?

I'll add in a little more backstory...

At the beginning of this magic show the magician shared with the audience that he was new to the Lake area and trying to get his show to take off here so that he could move his family from Branson and buy a house at the lake.

And that's when... Her eyes lit up so big, she smiled from ear to ear and she looked over at me and said "Daddy you can help him with that, he needs to talk to you."

The coolest part to me was that she said it in a tone of he needs my help. Which makes sense because I've always been very intentional in talking more about why I do what I do for work and not just what I do for work.

I could see it all over her face. She believes in the mission. She is proud of the fact that her dad helps people each and every day. So much so that she looked up to me to help this magician and his family that need help.

We all have to make sacrifices in life. Sometimes those sacrifices take us away from our families. Whether it be late nights, long weekends, work trips and so much more..

But this was a reminder to me to always have those conversations upfront with my family. Let them know ahead of time when those sacrifices need to be made and most importantly why I am choosing to sacrifice time away from them.

This was such a proud dad moment because at 7 years old... she gets it... she understands, supports and believes in the impact we are making in other people's lives.

This was a reminder for me to have another conversation with my family about this season that I'm currently in with business. A season that requires more of me in aspects outside of family time.

I hope this helps you the next time you go through a season of sacrifice.

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