Becoming a Great Salesperson: How A Shift in Approach Can Make All the Difference

Date Posted: April 18, 2023

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Salespeople are often judged by their ability to convince potential clients to believe what they are saying.

However, the difference between a good salesperson and a great salesperson lies in a subtle but critical difference in APPROACH.

Many salespeople believe that their job is to get the customer to believe what they are saying. But in reality, great salespeople...

❌ DON'T need the customer to believe what they're saying.

✔️ Instead, they FOCUS on persuading the customer to believe that they believe what they're saying.

This might seem like a small distinction, but it can make a huge difference in your approach and your results.

When you focus on getting the customer to believe what you're saying, you're being self-serving. You're trying to prove that you're right, rather than focusing on how you can help or serve the customer.

So, how do you become a great salesperson? It all comes down to one word:


And, persuasion has ZERO to do with getting people to believe what you are saying. It's about...

➡️ Shifting your focus from being self-serving to being customer-centric.

➡️ Being passionate about what you're selling and genuinely believing in its value.

When you have this level of conviction, people will naturally be more inclined towards your business.

➡️ It's important to cast your enthusiasm and confidence because it's contagious, and people will feel more confident in their decision to buy from you.

So, stop trying to convince people to believe what you're saying.

Stop being self-serving.

Start focusing on being genuinely passionate about what you're selling.

Go out and be GREAT!

More importantly...




Matt Smith went from working out of his basement to #8 in the nation in just 4 short years!

He is the owner of Matt Smith Real Estate Group in small town Missouri. His team is currently made up of 39 people and 23 of those are agents.