Are your dreams for sale?

AON Blog

If I were to ask most people that their immediate reaction would be... NO absolutely not!

However, I believe that most people's dreams are for sale.

Most peoples dreams can be bought!

No, not with money but...

Most people's dreams can be bought with enough failure, enough rejection, enough hard times, enough sacrifice most people will sell their dreams!

Most people will acheive some success and work towards their dream but then when they get enough failure, rejection and tough times they give up and sell their dream.

Their will to win is buyable...

Crazy thing is...

Most people sell their dreams and don't get anything out of the sale!

But, if you decide my will to win, my dream is not for sale and can't be bought. I don't care how long it takes I'm not giving up

I'm going to fight for my family

I'm going to change my family's life forever

I'm going to leave my mark on the world

Then you can accomplish anything!

So I ask you, are your dreams for sale? Are you going to negotiate the price for your dreams or can you not be bought?

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