100 Episodes - The Mission Behind All or Nothing in Real Estate

Date Posted: Jan. 5, 2024

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The 100th episode of All or Nothing in Real Estate Podcast…

22,000 downloads and people reached (without paid advertising)...

This platform started as just an idea…

🚀 Provide a community for Real Estate agents to grow and sharpen their skills
🚀 Provide the best training for Team Leaders and Real Estate Agents
🚀 Inspire agents across the world to provide the BEST Real Estate Experience to their clients

It’s so humbling to see this idea turn into a reality. Through this platform I’ve had the opportunity to interview some of the best in the business… industry leaders like Jon Cheplak, Will Grimes, Coach Bill Pipes, Grant Wise, Adam Bailey, and so many more…

Agents are begging for quality training (I remember being one of those agents myself!). Too often agents are thrown into the deep end after getting their license and struggle to make ends meet. My mission is to end that struggle and provide training that supports those struggling new agents AND provides growth and development to seasoned agents and team leaders.

The real estate landscape is continuously evolving, requiring a mindset that values consistency, contribution, and commitment.

We’ve covered topics like how to get more listings, building a brand, handling objections, building a resilient business through your mindset, how to set more appointments, and creating irresistible offers. All tactical and PROVEN processes that can be deployed and implemented immediately.
To be able to reach 22,000 people absolutely blows my mind. I feel so fortunate so many people choose to listen to this podcast, to give this platform a chance.

In this 100th episode of All or Nothing in Real Estate Podcast., I’m sharing the Mission and Vision behind All or Nothing in Real Estate.

I’ll dig into the mindset that inspired this platform and more importantly where we are going next… this is just the beginning.

My commitment to you is to continue to CONTRIBUTE to this industry and provide high caliber value to support you in your business. All my secrets are on the table.

Thank you to everyone who has supported this platform whether through downloading, listening, sharing, recommending, being a guest or rooting for us from afar.

Give Today Your All.


Join our Private Group ➡️ https://www.facebook.com/groups/809883546334503
Done For You Course link ➡️ https://threerecruitingfunnelsbuilt.com



Matt Smith went from working out of his basement to #8 in the nation in just 4 short years!

He is the owner of Matt Smith Real Estate Group in small town Missouri. His team is currently made up of 39 people and 23 of those are agents.